We started in this little room and then I had to go run off for a second (probably when I witnessed the Bridesmaids issue) and when I came back, all I found was the man's assistant. He told me that basically Zach and him had gone off into another room to SERIOUSLY fight. Oh great. Somewhere in all of this our friends Clare and Gavin are there and they hand me something alcoholic that Gavin has made and Clare gives good advice. And I'm not actually stressed at all, b/c at this point, what the hell can you do? Nothing. You can do nothing. So I go wander off curious to see what disaster strikes next and I'm cool as a cucumber.
That's awesome, your subconscious knows that even if craziness ensues, you'll be fine. Did I tell you guys Gavin is brewing? If not, I think your psychic abilities are starting to show.