Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dresses Galore

I spent a large chunk of this weekend thinking about dresses. Mine. My friends'. I've already learned that there are comfortable and uncomfortable corsets. I've also learned I think David's Bridal doesn't give a damn about brides. Too strong? Yeah. Probably.

Day 1 was dress shopping with the family females. Day 2 was an outing with one of my bridesmaids. We were considering dresses for the line up. I realized quickly that I need to get the bride dress down and then work accordinly with everyone else. I'm trying to work in a top down flow. It works by asking the following questions:

What is the hardest (least inflexible) thing to change? What is the second hardest thing to change? Etc. I'm making decisions on the hardest things first. I think the wedding dress is the hardest because we are on a strict budget. Bridesmaid dresses have some criteria too but there is more flexibility there. Men's clothes are the most flexible. So they are last on the list.

This system works in a lot of places. On the drive up Mom asked me about jewelry and it was easy to say, "I won't have an answer until we've got the dress."

I'll try and keep this system top of mind for when we come up into other issues. See if it works to untangle any knots. Maybe it won't, but at least it's helped give direction to the order of wedding party clothing.

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