Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So that (didn't) happen

So that didn't happen. Instead I decided to go to sleep. (It felt so good!)

We head out for San Francisco today for the wedding of my closest cousin. I'm super excited. I don't know my extended family very well with the exception of this one cousin. Hip hip hurray for her long awaited wedding. (Which they planned in like under 6 months.)


  1. How exciting! Have a wonderful time! You should totally meet up with Sabrina, she's in the know. I think she might work at Mission Pie. Also, go taste some organic ice cream at Three Twins on Haight and Fillmore =)
    I want to go baaaaaaaaaack!

  2. I don't know how much we'll do this trip but that's ok b/c we'll be back in a week! For TWO WEEKS!!!! Yay!

  3. Oh, so this is a trip before the house sitting? I see . . . WOW!
